1773If 5 things were not present in a human being, he would not have benefit much: 1- Reason 2- Religion 3- Etiquette 4- Modesty 5- Good mannersdownload-disicon-0
1774If a day passes to me in which I do not increase in knowledge that brings me closer to Allah the Exalteddownload-disicon-0
1775If Abu Talib’s faith was placed on a weighing scale on one end and the
1776If all good things are embodied in the form of one person, that person is Fatima
1777If all people unanimously had loved Ali bin abi Talib, Allah would have
1778If Allah Wants Good for a Communitydownload-disicon-0
1779If death did not existdownload-disicon-0
1780If God had not created the Commander of the Faithful (Imam Ali) for
1781If I reveal My Knowledgedownload-disicon-0
1782If one gives with the short hand, he will be given with the long one. Nahjul Balagha saying 232download-disicon-0
1783If prostration would be ordereddownload-disicon-0
1784If Sahib al-Zaman (May Allah Hasten His return) Were to Come (Right Now)download-disicon-0
1785If Sahib al-Zaman (may Allah hasten his return) were to come (right now)download-disicon-0
1786If the angels would love themdownload-disicon-0
1787If you Dive into the Sea, We will dive with you!download-disicon-0
1788If you had not sought forgiveness for one
1789If you wish God to grant you a long life, make your parents
1793Ignorance is the worst of painsdownload-disicon-0
1794Ignore my wife for prayer?download-disicon-0
1795Ill Naturedownload-disicon-0
1796Illal Al Sharaiedownload-disicon-2
1797Illegitimate propertiesdownload-disicon-0
1798Ilm-e-Gaib (Knowledge of the UnSeen)download-disicon-0
1799Ilmul Ghaib (Knowledge of Hidden)download-disicon-0
1800Imam (a) explains the Hadith of the forty traditions that makes one a faqihdownload-disicon-0